Thursday 4 February 2010

WCF Client Factory (Using Reflection & Generic Parameters) to set ClientCredentials

The following method (using reflection) works around the fact that the WCF generated proxies in .NET don't have a common non-generic interface. See code for a WCF proxy factory that sets basic client credentials (from a ConfigurationHelper class) and then returns the properly initialized client.

    /// Class for creating and initializing WCF proxy clients.
    public class WCFClientFactory
        /// Gets an instance of WCF Proxy Class(Type "T"), and sets the credentials on it.
        /// /// 
        public static T CreateClient(CredentialType type)
            object client = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
            ClientCredentials clientCredentials = 
                (ClientCredentials)client.GetType().GetProperty("ClientCredentials").GetValue(client, null);
            UserNamePasswordClientCredential credentials = clientCredentials.UserName;

            if (type == CredentialType.SAPBasic)
                credentials.UserName = ConfigHelper.BackgroundUserName;
                credentials.Password = ConfigHelper.BackgroundUserPassword;
            else if (type == CredentialType.MDM)
                credentials.UserName = ConfigHelper.MDMUserName;
                credentials.Password = ConfigHelper.MDMPassword;
            //Return initialized Proxy from Factory
            return (T)client;

        //parameterless overload.
        public static T CreateClient()
            return CreateClient(CredentialType.SAPBasic);

You then call it like so:
Z_PO_CreateClient client = WCFClientFactory.CreateClient();

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