Unfortunately, by default, they are added to your Settings.cs file which is then compiled away into your code. This does the following:
- reduces your ability to easily configure your applications for different environments (ie you would need to have different compiled dlls for dev, test and production).
- It is also LESS secure because you can easily use reflection to examine your dlls for passwords - whereas you can encrypt the web.config so it is only viewable to people who have permissions to the IIS console.This is more difficult to break.
This then allows you to define a default constructor in your own partial class that extends your dbml context designer classes:
// Copyright (C) 2007 ddkonline
// All rights reserved.
// http://www.ddkonline.com
// File - InvestmentManagementDb.cs
// Author – David Klein
// Date Created – 18/02/2008
// History of changes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Version Author Date Jira No.
// 1.1 David Klein 18/02/2008 LPP-59
// Description of changes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Version Description
// 1.1 DBML now reads from Web.Config via ConfigManager.ConnectionStrings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System.Configuration;
using ddkonline.InvestmentManagement.Domain.Properties;
using System;
namespace ddkonline.InvestmentManagement.Domain.Entity
public partial class InvestmentManagementDataContext
public InvestmentManagementDataContext()
: base(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["InvestmentManagementConnectionString"].ConnectionString, mappingSource)