- Going to https://account.live.com/
- Choosing your account (if you have several)
- Clicking on the "Change Email" tab
All your contacts will be automatically transferred to the new account - and you don't even need to notify your contacts of the change.
The Musings and Findings of Software Consultant David Klein (Sydney, Australia)
All your contacts will be automatically transferred to the new account - and you don't even need to notify your contacts of the change.
sqlmetal /conn:"data source=myServerName\dev;initial catalog=MyDataBaseName;trusted_connection=false;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=UserName;Password=Password;" /dbml:PropertyPipelineDb.dbml /context:InvestmentManagementDataContext /namespace:LendLease.InvestmentManagement.Domain.Entity /pluralize /entitybase:"LendLease.Framework.Domain.Entity.MutableEntity" /views
powershell -command "$temp = .\CleanDbml.ps1 -dbml '.\PropertyPipelineDb.dbml'; $temp Out-File '.\PropertyPipelineDb.dbml' -Encoding Unicode"
sqlmetal /code:PropertyPipelineDb.designer.cs PropertyPipelineDb.dbml
$DBML # File Path to DBML file
$removeTables = ("dbo.vRolePermission", `
"dbo.vOpportunityFlattenedFundInterests", `
"dbo.vOpportunityDetailsWithFlatFundInterests", `
"dbo.vAssetAddress", `
"dbo.vContactOpportunities", `
"dbo.vContactOpportunitiesWithFlatFundInterests", `
"dbo.vLookupHierarchy", `
"dbo.CachedUser", `
"dbo.CachedUserExtension", `
"dbo.OpportunityImport" `
$renameTables = @{ "dbo.vOpportunitySearch" = @{ Type = "vOpportunitySearch" ; Member = "vOpportunitySearches"}; `
"Code.NotificationType" = @{ Type = "NotificationType" ; Member = "NotificationTypes"}; `
"dbo.vPropertyPipelineFund" = @{ Type = "Fund" ; Member = "Funds"} `
$renameAssosciations = @{ "FK_OpportunityRelationship_Opportunity1" = @{ FKMember = "Opportunity1"; PluralMember = "OpportunityRelationship1s"}; `
"FK_OpportunityRelationship_Opportunity2" = @{ FKMember = "Opportunity2"; PluralMember = "OpportunityRelationship2s"}; `
"FK_CompanyCompanyType_Company" = @{ FKMember = "Company"; PluralMember = "CompanyTypes"}; `
"FK_NotificationType_NotificationType" = @{ FKMember = "ParentNotificationType"; PluralMember = "ChildNotificationTypes"} `
$exists = Test-Path ($DBML);
if (! $exists)
$DBML = Join-Path -path $pwd -childpath $DBML;
$exists = Test-Path ($DBML);
if( $exists )
$dbmlFileInfo = Get-Item -path $DBML;
[System.Xml.XmlReader]$local:reader = [System.Xml.XmlReader]::Create($dbmlFileInfo);
[System.Xml.XmlDocument]$local:doc = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument;
[System.Xml.XmlElement]$local:root = $doc.get_DocumentElement();
# Remove nodes that don't belong
$removedTypeMap = @{};
$tableNodesRemoved = $doc.Database.Table `
ForEach-Object { $_; } `
Where-Object { $removeTables -contains $_.Name } `
ForEach-Object { $removedTypeMap.Add($_.Type.Name, $_.Name); $_ = $doc.Database.RemoveChild($_); $_; };
# Remove any assosciations on other tables which reference a removed type
$assosciationNodesWithTypesRemoved = $doc.Database.Table `
Where-Object { $_.Type.Association -ne $null } `
ForEach-Object { $_.Type.Association; } `
Where-Object { $removedTypeMap[$_.Type] -ne $null } `
ForEach-Object { $_ = $_.get_ParentNode().RemoveChild($_); $_; };
# Rename nodes for tables with their new aliases
$tableNodesToRename = $doc.Database.Table `
ForEach-Object { $_; } `
Where-Object { $renameTables[$_.Name] -ne $null };
$renamedTypeMap = @{};
$tableNodesToRename ForEach-Object { $newName = $renameTables[$_.Name].Type; $renamedTypeMap.Add($_.Type.Name, $newName); $_.Type.Name = $newName; };
$renamedMemberMap = @{};
$tableNodesToRename ForEach-Object { $newName = $renameTables[$_.Name].Member; $renamedMemberMap.Add($_.Member, $newName); $_.Member = $newName; };
# Fix up any assosciations on other tables which reference a renamed type
$assosciationNodesWithTypesRenamed = $doc.Database.Table `
Where-Object { $_.Type.Association -ne $null } `
ForEach-Object { $_.Type.Association; } `
Where-Object { $renamedTypeMap[$_.Type] -ne $null} `
ForEach-Object { $_.Type = $renamedTypeMap[$_.Type]; $_; };
# Fix up member names for any assosciations on other tables which are Foreign Key assosciations and reference a renamed type
$assosciationNodesWithFKMembersRenamed = $assosciationNodesWithTypesRenamed `
Where-Object { $renamedTypeMap[$_.Member] -ne $null -and $_.IsForeignKey -eq "true"} `
ForEach-Object { $_.Member = $renamedTypeMap[$_.Member]; $_; };
# Fix up member names for any assosciations on other tables which are Subset assosciations and reference a renamed member
$assosciationNodesWithSubsetMembersRenamed = $assosciationNodesWithTypesRenamed `
Where-Object { $renamedMemberMap[$_.Member] -ne $null -and $_.IsForeignKey -eq $null } `
ForEach-Object { $_.Member = $renamedMemberMap[$_.Member]; $_; };
$assosciationFKNodesRenamed = $doc.Database.Table `
Where-Object { $_.Type.Association -ne $null } `
ForEach-Object { $_.Type.Association; } `
Where-Object { $renameAssosciations[$_.Name] -ne $null -and $_.IsForeignKey -eq "true"} `
ForEach-Object { $_.Member = $renameAssosciations[$_.Name].FKMember; $_; };
$assosciationSubsetNodesRenamed = $doc.Database.Table `
Where-Object { $_.Type.Association -ne $null } `
ForEach-Object { $_.Type.Association; } `
Where-Object { $renameAssosciations[$_.Name] -ne $null -and $_.IsForeignKey -eq $null} `
ForEach-Object { $_.Member = $renameAssosciations[$_.Name].PluralMember; $_; };
[System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings]$writerSettings = new-object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings;
$local:outputStream = new-object System.IO.StringWriter;
[System.Xml.XmlWriter]$local:writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($outputStream, $writerSettings);
@ECHO ******Running as SUPER USER (IMTEST11); password is SuperUsersPassWord
runas /user:APAC\imtest11 /savecred "%ProgramFiles%/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe \"pp-test\""